NCC Student & Faculty Profiles

Filtered by 8, Student

Breanna James

Breanna James

I enrolled at SUNY Nassau because I knew I wanted to major in life sciences and I wanted to work on some foundational sk [...]

Tamber Neumann

Tamber Neumann

After having my daughter, I knew that I would no longer be able to attend school full-time or continue at the university [...]

Image of Ashley Vazquez

Ashley Vazquez

When I began nursing, I worked during the day and attended night classes. Studying was extremely hard for me as I only h [...]

Image of Markenson Louis

Markenson Louis

Markenson Louis was recently chosen as SUNY Nassau's first EOP (Educational Opportunity Program) ambassador, a program b [...]

Image of Patrick Gallagher

Patrick Gallagher

Patrick Gallagher (Man #3) is a student currently enrolled in his third semester at Nassau Community College. He is incr [...]


Calvin Zanetti

Calvin Zanetti plays Aaron in SUNY Nassau's production of First Date. He is a graduate of Boca Raton High School. Among [...]

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