Nassau Community College’s 2025 Commencement Ceremony will be held at Nassau Veterans
Memorial Coliseum at 1255 Hempstead Turnpike in Uniondale, NY, on Wednesday, May 21,
2025 at 7pm. Graduates should arrive by 5:30pm. Please refer to the Coliseum’s website regarding re-entry and prohibited items. Graduates must bring their NCC ID with them
to the Commencement Ceremony.
Yes, graduates must bring their NCC ID with them to the Commencement Ceremony. IDs
will be checked before graduates may enter the Coliseum.
Tickets will be available in mid-April. Each Graduate will have 6 tickets available
for guests to attend the ceremony. Tickets are issued through Ticketmaster. Graduates
participating in the ceremony with regalia do not need a ticket to attend.
There is no charge to park at the Coliseum on the day of Commencement.
The N70 bus stops directly across the street from the Coliseum and also makes a stop
at the Hempstead Train Station on the Long Island Rail Road.
The ceremony runs approximately two hours total.
Yes, graduates are free to line up with and sit with their friends at Commencement,
there is no requirement to stay with your program of study during the ceremony.
Graduates from August and December of 2024, and any graduate candidate for May 2025
who applied for graduation before the February 24, 2025, deadline, will have their
name included in this year’s Commencement Program.
Yes, a highlight of graduation is the introduction of each candidate during the Line
of March. Graduates will be given a name card when they arrive, this card permits
a phonetic spelling of their name. It is suggested that students use phonetics to
simplify and ensure the accuracy of the pronunciation of their name. A televised image
will be projected on the four-sided Jumbotron above the arena floor.
The cap, gown, hood and tassel are included in the all-purpose fee. There is no additional
charge for these items, and they are yours to keep.
Graduates are encouraged to wear comfortable clothing, especially comfortable footwear
to the ceremony. There will be a lot of standing and walking during the 2-hour ceremony.
Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum provides easy access for guests with disabilities.
These areas include accessible entry doors, restrooms, drinking fountains, and seating
areas. If you or a loved one needs assistance, please see a Coliseum staff member
at the ceremony.
Yes, there will be two ASL interpreters on the left side of the stage. If you need
assistance, please see a staff member at the ceremony.
Diplomas will be mailed 6 to 8 weeks after degree certification. Check your NCC e-mail
address for updates.
Congratulations on joining a network of successful individuals who are proud to call
themselves NCC graduates! Applications are available to join NCC’s Alumni Association
online at NCC Alumni.
To order your cap and gown, please follow these instructions:
- Go to
- Click on the “Order Now” button under “Cap & Gown”
- Enter your Nassau ID # (N00------) in the search field and click “Search”
- When your name appears, click on “Congratulations! Order your graduation products
here!” (If your name does not appear please follow up with Registrar to confirm that
you applied for graduation. Please note that there may be a delay from the time you
apply for graduation to when you may order your graduation regalia.)
- From the “Select an option” drop down menu choose 1 of 2 options:
- Option 1: Pick up Cap and Gown at Campus Store (free of charge)
- Once selected, the Ceremony Date and Degree Type will be shown. Click on “SHOP”
- Choose the “Cap & Gown” tab
- The first choice “Graduation Regalia” includes a Cap, Gown, Tassel, and Hood. There
is no charge for these items. (Please note that other options/packages selected may
incur an additional charge.)
- Click “Click to Show Contents”
- Click “View Full Details”
- Fill out your information and click “Add to Cart” when you are finished
- Complete your order
Note: The last day to order your Cap and Gown online to be picked up at the NCC Campus
Store is Thursday, April 3, 2025.
- Option 2: Ship Cap and Gown Home (out of pocket shipping charges will be applied)
- Once selected, the Ceremony Date and Degree Type will be shown. Click on “SHOP”
- Choose the “Cap & Gown” tab
- The first choice “Graduation Regalia” includes a Cap, Gown, Tassel, and Hood. There
is no charge for these items. (Please note that other options/packages selected may
incur an additional charge.)
- Click “Click to Show Contents”
- Click “View Full Details”
- Fill out your information and click “Add to Cart” when you are finished
- Complete your order
Note: The last day to order your Cap and Gown online to be shipped to your home is Friday, April 25, 2025. Orders placed after this date may incur additional fees.
If you have not placed your regalia order by the online deadline of Friday, April 25, 2025, late orders will still be accepted on the website until Wednesday, May 7, 2025. These orders will have expedited shipping fees added to the order.
After the online order deadline, you may also obtain a cap and gown package at the
NCC Campus Store starting Thursday, May 1, 2025 with a photo ID. Available sizes and options will be on a first-come, first-served
Graduates from August 2024, December 2024, and graduate candidates from May 2025 are
all eligible to walk during the ceremony. August 2025 graduate candidates may also
walk during the ceremony as long as they have applied for graduation.
August 2025 graduate candidates may walk in the May ceremony as long as they have
applied for graduation. August 2025 candidate names will not appear in this year’s
Commencement program, they will appear in the Commencement program for 2026.