E-Mail Tutoring

The Writing Center is able to respond to your questions about your papers via e-mail. Tutors can answer general questions about writing and/or provide links to other sites that may helpful to you.

Your questions or paper will be read by a tutor, who will make comments, raise questions, discuss strengths and weaknesses, and may point out patterns of grammatical errors. Please be as specific as you can be in your request for help. It is not appropriate simply to ask a consultant to "check if this essay is good" or "correct my grammar." The Writing Center is not an editing service; we will not proofread and correct your papers. We may, however, point out patterns of errors and provide you with instruction for making your own corrections.

Response time is generally within 48 hours, except weekend submissions after 12:00 p.m. on Friday. Consequently, it is not appropriate to submit a paper for commentary if it is due for evaluation within a two day time period.

The best way to send your paper to us is to send it in the body of the e-mail and also as an attachment created in Microsoft Word. Responses will be in the form of an e-mail reply; if the tutor has made comments in the attached essay, these comments may be at the beginning and/or end of your paper, as well as embedded within the text using the Microsoft Word comment feature.

Please feel free to respond to our comments with questions for clarification and with revisions for further comment. Our e-mail correspondences are tutorials that may continue over a number of exchanges if you desire. However, keep in mind that you may have only one E-Tutoring appointment a week.