Prepare For Emergency

What you Can Do To Prepare For A Campus Emergency

As a member of NCC Community you can do the following to help prepare for an emergency and keep the campus safe:

  • Report suspicious activity and all campus-related emergencies immediately to the Emergency Phone Number by dialing 27111 from a campus building phone, or 516.572.7111 from a cell phone or outside line. 
  • Know all of the NCC Emergency Notification Methods and register for NCC Alert to ensure you receive timely, accurate information and instructions during campus emergencies.  Ensure your family and friends are aware of these notification methods too.
  • Familiarize yourself with the NCC Emergency Procedures.
  • Store important NCC phone numbers in your cell phone and keep them at home.  Use these numbers only for their intended use.
  • Know the evacuation routes and assembly locations for the campus buildings you work in and visit.  If you have any questions about campus evacuation procedures contact Public Safety at 27100 or 516.572.7100.
  • Follow all verbal instructions provided by College officials, Public Safety, Nassau County Police, fire department, or any responding agency in a time of emergency/disaster.
  • Prepare your family and home for emergency situations.  Preparing in advance reduces stress associated with emergencies.  Use the following Emergency Preparedness Websites to assist you. 

Emergency Preparedness Websites

The following websites are provided to assist you in obtaining additional information on emergency preparedness.  You may choose to use these websites to help you prepare for emergencies at work and home. Nassau Community College is not affiliated with any of these websites.  Please note NCC's NCC Third Party Website Disclaimer.

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