For Nursing & Allied Health Students
The Student Health Office will review all health records to complete the campus medical
clearance at Nassau Community College. The clinical portion of your Nursing courses
will require a separate clearance for each hospital.
It is necessary that you keep a copy of your up-to-date health records which includes:
- NCC Physical Health form
- All laboratory documentations as requested on the Health Office checklist
Prior to the start of each new semester, Nursing students will be required to upload
current Health records on Nursing Student Center.
All Nursing students must be medically cleared by both NCC Health Office and our affiliated
hospitals. No student will be permitted to attend clinical without the clearance as
stated above.
Annual Physical
In order to be permitted to enter any of our affiliating clinical agencies, each student
must have a yearly physical to be cleared. The physical form must be completed by
your Health Care Provider (HCP). Once completed, make a COPY for your records and
bring the ORIGINAL form to the Student Health Office located by the Theatre and the
“U” buildings by the date given by your program. Every student needs to have their
very own copy of the physical for their own records. You will need them for your clinical.
Annual Tuberculin Testing
Tuberculin blood testing is the preferred method of testing, however, PPDs are acceptable.
- First Year Students: A two-Step tuberculin Skin PPD is required for 1st year students OR a blood based
tuberculosis infection screening test (QuantiFERON, TB Gold, or a T-Spot blood test).any
polio vaccine history is acceptable
- 2nd Year Students in the program: require a one-step PPD Skin test or a two-Step PPD Skin test if you have been out
of program greater than a year OR a blood based tuberculosis screening test (QuantiFERON,
TB Gold, or T-Spot blood test).
- If there is a newly positive tuberculin screening test, a Chest X-Ray is required.
A written chest x-ray report must be submitted to the Student Health Office.
- If you have a History of a +Positive PPD, you will need to submit a recent Chest X-Ray
report within two years.
- Returning Students: A Two Step PPD or a TB blood based screening test (ex. QuantiFERON) is needed for
students who have been out of program for greater than a year.
Proof of Immunity to Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Varicella
Proof of immunity to measles, mumps, rubella and varicella as follows:
- Positive Blood titers*,
- Appropriate doses of the vaccine:
- Measles 2 doses
- Mumps 2 doses
- Rubella 1 dose
- Varicella (chicken pox) 2 doses
*These same blood titers or immunization records will be used for 2nd year physicals.
Do not repeat blood titers for 2nd year physicals.
Immunity to Hepatitis B
Proof of immunity to Hepatitis B:
It is highly recommended that ALL students receive the 3 dose series of Hepatitis B vaccine.
Flu Immunization
Proof of the current season’s FLU immunization:
- This is a mandatory New York State Department of Health regulation. Flu immunization
versus Mask NYSDOH regulations adopted on July 31, 2013 state if a student does not
present proof of flu immunization, the student must wear a mask when in patient areas.