Speakers List

Speakers List

A community college, by its very name, is a branch of higher education with a close link to the community. At Nassau Community College, we seek to live up to our middle name. The expertise of the faculty, administrators at Nassau Community College is available to professional, civic, business and fraternal organizations. If you don't see a topic in which you are interested below, please contact the Office of Marketing and Communications directly by emailing or calling 516.572.9634 and we will attempt to find a speaker who best fits your needs. Please try to contact us least four weeks in advance.

Name: Scott Banks
Email Address: scott.banks@ncc.edu
Office Location: Building E
Telephone (college #): 516.572.9640
Highest Degree Earned: D.C., IFMCP
SUBJECT(S) Health Issues
Title of Program: The Care and Feeding of Your Brain
Program Length: 45-90 minutes
Description: Many of the most feared neuro-degenerative diseases of the brain are preventable. Dr. Banks uses a Functional Medicine approach to reach optimal health.
Title of Program: Take Back Your Health: Reversing Diabetes and Obesity
Description: We have a problem. Seventy percent of Americans, including 40 percent of our children, are overweight. Learn what you can do right now using Functional Medicine principles to reverse the addiction to sugar and reverse the epidemic of obesity.
Title: Gluten Sensitivity: Real Disorder, Real Symptoms
Description: The misconception by the majority of the medical professionals and the public is that celiac disease is predominately a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. Non-celiac gluten sensitivity affects many of us and is associated with 80 plus known autoimmune disorders. Dr. Banks will discuss wheat, leaky gut and its manifestations on overall health — separating fact from fiction.
Name: Richard Cohen
Email Address: richard.cohen@ncc.edu
Office Location: Building D - Room 3110
Telephone (college #): 516.572.7278 x2-6307
Highest Degree Earned:  
SUBJECT(S) Weather/Climate
Title of Program: Superstorm: The Science Behind Sandy
Program Length: 60 minutes
Description: Superstorm Sandy devastated the Tri-State region. Learn the science behind why it happened. Why is Sandy referred to as a “Superstorm” as opposed to a “hurricane?” Was there a connection between Sandy and climate change? Learn the answers to all of these questions and more during this presentation.
Title of Program: The winter of 2013-14: Why Did it Snow so Much?
Program Length: 60 minutes
Description: The winter of 2013-14 ended in the top five snowiest winters for most of the Tri-State area. Record cold outbreaks persisted for days and even weeks at a time which were blamed on the “Polar Vortex.” Learn the science behind what influences winter weather in the Tri-State area. Learn whether the Polar Vortex was truly a new and unique thing or was merely a hype of a naturally occurring feature of the atmosphere. This presentation will also discuss what the science of climatology truly is and what it means to be “normal.”
Name: Constance Egelman
Email Address: constance.egelman@ncc.edu
Office Location: Building M - Room 14
Telephone (college #): 516.572.7696 x2-5516
Highest Degree Earned:  
SUBJECT(S) Career planning; transitioning to college; work/life balance
Title of Program: Just Who Do You Think You Are? Personality Type and Career Choice
Program Length: TBD
Description: Explore aspects of your personality style and learn how you can use this information to make satisfying career choices.
Title of Program: The College Experience: Strategies for Success
Program Length: TBD
Description: An orientation to college life. This presentation will include tips and strategies designed to help students gain confidence in their ability to learn and succeed in college.
Title: The Balancing Act: Strategies for Successfully Managing School, Work and Family
Program Length: TBD
Description: Feeling stressed, tired, overwhelmed? No time for fun? Learn how to organize your time effectively.
Name: Lorraine Findlay
Email Address: lorraine.findlay@ncc.edu
Office Location: Building E - Room 3220
Telephone (college #): 516.572.9640 x2-6577
Highest Degree Earned: Ph.D.
SUBJECT(S) Various issues pertaining to medical microbiology and infectious disease
Title of Program:  
Program Length: 60 minutes
Description: Dr. Findlay can address various aspects of medical microbiology and infectious disease as it applies to current and timely issues of public health, such as E. coli food outbreaks, seasonal flu, and the Ebola, SARS and MERS viruses. Dr. Findlay is a member of the American Board of Microbiology.
Name: Arthur L. Friedman
Email Address: arthur.friedman@ncc.edu
Office Location: Library - Reference
Telephone (college #): 516.572.7401 x2-6028
Highest Degree Earned: Ed.D., M.L.S., M.S. in Ed.
SUBJECT(S) Distance Education
Title of Program: History of Distance Education
Program Length: TBD
Description: The whys and wherefores of distance education as required.
SUBJECT(S) Intellectual Freedom
Title of Program: Privacy issues; censorship, etc.
Program Length: TBD
Description: The nature of censorship; effects of the U.S.A. Patriot Act on intellectual freedom.
Name: Natalie Stiene Harnett
Email Address: Natalie.stiene@ncc.edu
Office Location: Building V - Room 110
Telephone (college #): 516.572.8979
Highest Degree Earned: MFA
SUBJECT(S) Writing
Title of Program: The Craft and Business of Writing
Program Length: 40 minutes
Description: Prof. Harnett will briefly read from her debut novel The Hollow Ground. She will then discuss the process of writing, including the path to publication and self-promotion.
Name: Dion Patrick Hoey
Email Address: dion.hoey@ncc.edu
Office Location: Building G – Room 257
Telephone (college #): 516.572.7422
Highest Degree Earned: Ph.D.
SUBJECT(S) Public Opinion Polling; Local, Congressional and Statewide Elections; National Political Polling Methodology and Analysis
Title of Program:  
Program Length: TBD
Description: Dr. Hoey is a consultant and analyst. He is a member of the American Association for Public Opinion Research and the American Political Science Association.
Name: Lisa Korman
Email Address: lisa.korman@ncc.edu
Office Location: Building G - Room 301
Telephone (college #): 516.572.77458 x2-5026
Highest Degree Earned: Psy.D.
SUBJECT(S) Psychology
Title of Program: Success in the Classroom/Workplace: Falling in Love and Taking Risks
Program Length: 30 minutes, plus time for Q&A
Description: A frank and engaging talk about how our earliest relationship (that of child and parent) teaches us about love and trust, and serves as a blueprint for us as we take good, healthy risks as learners.
Name: Kumkum Prabhakar
Email Address: kumkum.prabhakar@ncc.edu
Office Location: Building F - Room 3227
Telephone (college #): 516.572.7575 x2-6532
Highest Degree Earned: Ph.D.
SUBJECT(S) Plants and Society; Biology
Title of Program: All About Tropical Spices
Program Length: 45 minutes
Description: Explore the history of spices and herbs in different cultures for uses such as cooking, flavoring, healing, sedation, religious ceremonies and coloring. The presentation will include a botanical display and discussion of plants and their useful parts to resolve myths about natural pharmacy.
Title of Program: The Physiology and Psychology of Chocolate
Program Length: 45 minutes
Description: This interactive presentation will include the origins of present day chocolate from cacao beans, the history of the chocolate industry, nutritional features of chocolate and affects of chocolate on the human brain.
Title of Program: The Science of Edible Flowers
Program Length: 45 minutes
Description: Discover scientific reasons about the category of plants that produce flowers and the significance of different colors of flowers. The presentation will include a display of edible flowers and will engage the audience to explore science on using flowers on wedding cakes or sprinkling saffron on custard.
Name: Richard Seibert
Email Address: richard.seibert@ncc.edu
Office Location: Building F - Room 3245
Telephone (college #): 516.572.7575
Highest Degree Earned: D.C.
SUBJECT(S) Weight Training for All Ages; Nutrition and Exercise; CrossFit:  Cult, Fad or Science?
Title of Program: Weight Training for All Ages
Program Length: 60 minutes
Description: A soup to nuts lecture with demonstration (if equipment and space permit). Covered topics will include a safe and practical approach to the various applications of weight training. Discussion can be geared to novice or seasoned competitors. Proper technique and routines for machine, barbell and dumbbell exercises will be covered.
Title of Program: Nutrition and Exercise
Program Length: 60 minutes
Description: A comprehensive program that explains the relationship between exercise and proper diet. Topics discussed include weight control, supplementation, exercise prescription, and related pathologic conditions such as osteoporosis, obesity, and cardiovascular disease.
Title of Program: CrossFit:  Cult, Fad or Science?
Program Length: 60 minutes
Description: A discussion of the CrossFit style of workout. Why is it so popular? Is it safe? Is it just a fad or here to stay? This lecture looks at the historical perspective and future and discusses how this fad has developed a cult-like following, yet has science basis for success in its roots.

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