C-STEP Virtual Office Hours: 

Days:  Monday - Thursday
Time:  1pm – 2pm
Link:   TBD


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CSTEP Mission

The Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP) at Nassau Community College (NCC) aims to increase and support the number of economically disadvantaged or historically underrepresented minority students pursuing postsecondary degrees and professional licensure through programs in mathematics, science, technology, health-related fields, and the licensed professions at NCC. Underrepresented minorities serve a vital role in these fields and professions because their innovative perspectives in research and academia, diversity of languages spoken, and ability to relate both on a cultural and socioeconomic level to clients and consumers.

CSTEP is funded by the New York State Education Department and administered through the Center for Excellence and Innovation (CEI) at Nassau Community College (NCC). Established at NCC in 2020, CSTEP continues to build upon the dedication of NCC in educating students in STEM and preparing them for a career market where such knowledge is in high demand.


CSTEP achieves success through collaborative partnerships with staff, faculty, administrators, community stakeholders and other higher education partnerships.  CSTEP at NCC provides:

  • Tutoring
  • Mentoring
  • Stipends
  • Supplemental instruction
  • Research and internship opportunities
  • Professional development
  • Test preparation
  • College field trips
  • Assistance with the four-year college transfer and application process
  • Academic and career counseling. 


  • Must be a resident of New York
  • From a historically underrepresented minority group (Black, Hispanic, American Indian or Alaskan native) OR economically disadvantaged.
  • Enrolled full-time and pursuing the scientific, technical or licensed professions.

If you do not identify as a member of a historically underrepresented minority group, documentation confirming economically disadvantaged status is required. Acceptable documentation includes: a copy of the student’s FAFSA and/or a signed copy of all applicable and most recent tax returns (IRS form 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ or 4506).

The following are New York State Education Department CSTEP Income Eligibility Criteria.

  • Entering freshmen students must be in good academic standing (2.5 or C+ high school average or equivalency for entering.)
  • Eligible NCC freshmen, continuing or transfer students, must have a 2.5 cumulative GPA.
  • Once enrolled, students must maintain good academic standing at Nassau Community College. Academic standing is determined according to the regulations of the Academic Standing Committee.


Students must complete an application prior to participation in the project. Students may not receive services or participate in activities if a signed application and required documentation are not available. The project is also required to obtain previous and current transcripts for each student on file for the duration of their participation in the project.


If you have questions please contact: 516.572.3573 ext. 25870 or 25871
Kevin Fox, LMSW, CSTEP Director: kevin.fox@ncc.edu / cstep@ncc.edu
Matthew G. DiGiovanni, MS, Assistant Director CSTEP: Matthew.DiGiovanni@ncc.edu / cstep@ncc.edu

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