Advancing Success in Associate Pathways (ASAP)

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Phone: 516.572.7786
Office Location: SSC 111


Advancing Success in Associate Pathways (ASAP) at Nassau Community College

 The ASAP Program is designed to help motivated Nassau Community College students stay on track and graduate on time. Students within the program are provided with academic, social and financial support with the goal of graduating within three years. All majors are eligible, except Nursing and Allied Health Sciences. The Nassau Advancing Success in Associate Pathways (ASAP) Program is part of the SUNY replication of the City University of New York (CUNY) Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP).


ASAP Benefits                

  • Textbook assistance to reduce the cost of textbooks
  • Monthly stipend to assist with indirect costs of education
  • A dedicated Advisor to guide progress from entry to graduation
  • Special registration options that help students get the classes they need that also fit your schedule
  • Opportunities to take classes with fellow ASAP students to foster community
  • Career counseling and academic support services

Is there a catch?

There is no catch! In exchange for ALL of these resources, students will need to:

  • Enroll full time each semester and maintain good academic standing
  • Enroll immediately and continuously in any developmental courses required
  • Meet regularly with their Advisor and attend any required enrichment activities
  • Dreamers must be a TAP recipient and must complete the NYS TAP application each year
  • Graduate within three years
Start Your Degree, Graduate On-time

Are you Eligible? 

Requirements at a glance (please note other academic criteria may apply), student must be:

  • Eligible for in-state tuition
  • A new, continuing, or transfer student with less than 22 college credits completed excluding any credits earned while in high school

Student parent and need extra support to study full time?

Talk to your ASAP office to learn about additional resources you may be eligible for, including childcare, access to emergency funding when needed, and support for winter and summer course taking. 

I’m interested–what’s next?

Program slots are limited. To be considered, complete the following application as soon as possible. You will then be invited to an Information Session for further details.

ASAP Enrollment Form

Example: N00123456
How many college credits have you earned?*
What describes your educational plans?*
Have you completed your 2024-2025 FAFSA and TAP application?*

(Screenshot of confirmation email or message at end of application submission suffices)

Program Requirements

To participate in ASAP and receive the program benefits, you must agree to the following:
  • Enroll full-time each semester and maintain good academic standing
  • Enroll immediately and continuously in any developmental courses required
  • Meet regularly with your advisor and attend any required enrichment activities
  • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) application each year, to remain eligible
  • Graduate within three years
Participation Agreement*



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