April 30: Nassau Community College Budget Approved by College Board of Trustees



Immediate:  May 1, 2012Media Contact:  Chuck Cutolo516.572.7811Email:  chuck.cutolo@ncc.edu


Nassau Community College Budget Approved by College Board of Trustees

Budget Calls For No Tuition or Fee Increases and No Tax Increase

Garden City, New York — On the evening of April 30, the Nassau Community College Board of Trustees adopted the Nassau Community College budget for Fiscal Year 2012-2013. The adopted budget does not include any increase in tuition or fees and, for the fourth year in a row, does not include an increase in County taxes to support the College in the upcoming year. Spending will increase by less than 1% compared to the adopted budget for Fiscal Year 2011-2012.

Dr. Donald Astrab, President of NCC, thanked the Board for its actions. He also gratefully acknowledged that this year's increase in State aid to community colleges made it possible to hold the line on tuition and fees and to retain certain temporary faculty positions that were scheduled to terminate at the end of the spring semester. "NCC's mission is to provide students with an affordable, high quality higher education," Dr. Astrab said. "This budget," he added, "helps us to fulfill that mission, which is particularly important at a time when community colleges are being looked to more and more as a key component for educational advancement, career development and economic revitalization."

The spending level for Fiscal Year 2012-2013 is projected to be $204,746,883.  This increase of less than 1% from the previous year's adopted budget is a sign of the continuing spending restraint being exercised by NCC. Measures to control spending in the upcoming year include: reductions in part-time non-union positions and in part-time positions held by members of the Civil Service Employees Association and the Adjunct Faculty Association; reductions in overtime; an across-the-board 2½% reduction in OTPS (Other Than Personnel Services); reductions in utility costs resulting from energy conservation efforts and changing over to a new phone system; and assumptions as to retirements in all bargaining units and the Administration, with limited refilling of those positions.

The freeze in tuition will enable NCC to keep the current tuition level of $3,990 annually. "This is great news for the students," said Gul Berktas, the NCC Student Trustee. "I'm really pleased to vote for a budget that does not add any new burdens to my fellow students, many of whom are already juggling one and sometimes two jobs to make ends meet."

The College budget projects the use of approximately $1.5 million in fund balance.Ref.:  1606/5/1/12About Nassau Community CollegeNassau Community College, part of the State University of New York, is an institution where nearly 24,000 full- and part-time students and almost 15,000 continuing and professional students start and continue their successful journey through higher education. More than 70 fields of study are offered on a 225-acre campus located in the center of Long Island.  As the largest single-campus two-year college in New York State, Nassau Community College maintains a national reputation for excellence.

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